How to wash your dick... the RIGHT way.

How to wash your dick... the RIGHT way.

You’re here because you don’t know how to wash your dick… sounds ridiculous, right? WRONG! More than 60% of men are washing their penises all wrong (more on that later), and many are not doing it enough. What’s going on here?  

In a recent study, we asked 1,120 men about how often they wash their penis. 50% were aged 22 to 44, 1 out of 4 were 32 to 46, around 1.8% were 17 to 23, and the rest were 45 years or older.

Even though it is recommended to wash daily, 22% of men in our study failed to do so. Some said they wash their penis once to twice a day - but more is not always better; YOU CAN overwash your penis (resulting in the dreaded dick cheese - we’ve all been there).

“Washing too often can actually cause problems as well. The skin in this area is very sensitive, and washing it more than once a day can cause irritation, dryness, and itching,” Elle McLeman of Derm Review says.

Still, worse than washing too often is not washing enough, and Macleman points to the dangers of not washing your junk in blunt terms: “Infrequent washing will not only result in an unpleasant smell, but it is also a breeding ground for bacteria and can cause pain and infection.” 

So the amount you should be washing is an easy fix, but what about technique? The study found that 60% of men are washing their penis incorrectly, which leads to the question: What is right? And why don’t we know? 

How to Wash Your Penis

  • Step 1. Wash your penis and the area around it with one pump of Aphrodeziac Men’s Intimate Wash (there is no need to scrub or exfoliate - your hands will do enough).
  • Step 2. Make sure to wash the tip of your penis and, if you’re uncircumcised, pull back and clean underneath your foreskin.
  • Step 2. Rinse well.
  • Step 3. Dry everything completely — and we do mean completely — before getting dressed. This includes drying the area underneath your foreskin.
  • Step 4. Yeah, that’s it. It really isn’t that difficult.
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